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Lessons from Harmony Hill

From the labyrinth, to "She Who Knows" (the resident Giant Sequoia), to mindfulness experiences... There were many lessons to be learned at Harmony Hill.

We are just back from our first annual "Retreat Yourself" winter weekend event. And, it was all the things, restful, relaxing, enlightening, encouraging and, of course, fun.

Having a holiday on Monday took a little of the edge off of "re-entry" to our daily routines. We learned so much from our time together and the serene environment. Some of our lessons came as surprises, and others reminded us of our own true nature and intention.

The whole experience was nourishing to the soul.

Here are three of the gold nuggets we mined:


Sometimes we carry emotional baggage out of habit, not necessity, or even intention. We just get so accustomed to the cares and worries, that we forget they aren't actually part of who we are. Imagine packing all of those old stories, hurts, and fears. and putting them in a stack outside your door. You can add to the stack any time you'd like. And, whenever you feel you've set something down that you need again, you are free to pick it up, but not before you need it. See if this lightens your load a little.


The parts of us that we hide and deny, are often the parts that the world needs us to show up with. We all have a purpose, and often that purpose is what comes most naturally and with the most ease. For any number of reasons, we suppress our own purpose because we over-think what dusting it off and letting it shine will mean. Maybe we fear how it would change our lives. or maybe we hear a little voice in side saying, "who do you think you are?" Whatever is, try moving past it. The freedom alone will infuse new energy into your life.


Connection with others, women in particular, is a gift we don't allow ourselves to enjoy nearly as often as we should. The encouragement and nurturing that we intuitively give to each other is balm for the soul. Whether you are on the giving or receiving side, there are blessings to be had. If your life is too busy for a girls' night or weekend, the first thing you should do is review your calendar and see if there really is time. And, if there truly isn't any time you can set aside, think about running errands together or going for haircuts at the same time. It will be worth the schedule wrangling. Really!

These are just three of the take-aways from our weekend together, there were many more.

Love & Rad Vibes,

Di and LaDeene

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