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Everything Old is New Again

Or so the saying goes. You may have noticed lately, that more people seem to be embracing time-honored traditions like canning, growing their own food, baking bread, foraging, and fermentation, to name a few. It’s not just a quirky trend; there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye. So, what’s driving this nostalgic return to simpler times? We came up with six benefits of joining this growing trend.


One: Feeling Healthier, Naturally

Let’s start with health. As more people become aware of what’s in their food, many are turning to natural remedies and homegrown produce. Growing your own veggies and herbs means you know exactly what’s in your food—no sneaky chemicals or artificial stuff. It’s all about taking control and ensuring that what you eat is fresh and good for you.


Two: Protecting Mother Earth

More people are looking for ways to live a bit greener and make a positive impact on the planet. Reviving these traditions is a meaningful way to connect to our ancestors, while reducing waste and promoting sustainability. By growing some of our own food and/or supporting local growers and retailers, we’re doing our bit to help the environment.


Three: Asserting Independence

In today’s world, economic uncertainty can make us all a little anxious. That’s where self-sufficiency comes in. Learning to can your own food, make your own bread, or grow your own vegetables means you’re less reliant on store shelves. It’s comforting to know you’ve got a supply of homemade goodies or fresh produce ready to go, even if times get tough.

Four: Reconnecting with Tradition

A lot of us are also looking to connect with our roots. There’s something special about preserving old traditions and skills. Whether it’s the joy of harvesting your own honey from a beehive or the satisfaction of seeing your jars of homemade jams lined up on the shelf, these activities link us to our past and bring a sense of accomplishment.


Five: Boosting Well-Being

Let’s not forget the mental health benefits. Spending time in the garden or kneading dough can be incredibly soothing. These activities offer a break from our busy, tech-filled lives and let us enjoy the simple pleasures of nature. Plus, there’s a real sense of achievement in nurturing plants, and seeing them thrive.


Six: Learning and Connecting

And let’s be honest—learning these skills can be a lot of fun. Many people are diving into community gardening, beekeeping clubs, sewing circles, and canning or fermenting workshops. It’s a great way to meet new friends, share knowledge, and build stronger communities. Plus, there’s something incredibly rewarding about teaching and learning from one another.


It’s all about blending practical benefits with a heartfelt connection to our past and our planet. Whether it’s for health, sustainability, self-reliance, or simply the joy of learning something new, these timeless practices are making a comeback in a big way. And seriously, who can resist the charm and satisfaction of embracing the traditions of our grandparents?



Speaking of old-timey traditions, join us for our Fire Cider workshop!


Saturday, September 7th

10:00 am - 12:30 pm

at Dianna's Renton studio

(address given upon registration)

We'll be using fresh, organic ingredients and crafting a batch of this immune-boosting goodness. Everyone goes home with their own jar, and a recipe for future use. (Use the button below to register now.)

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